بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم I don't know how to describe Queen of Tears exactly, but watching it will make your heartstrings cry for just realising some of these heavy lessons: 1. The moment you feel out of love, and there is no spark anymore- fix it between. Remember why you choose the person. Bukan cari salah partner lepas tu cari orang lain. Habis hancur masjid yang terbina. 2. Communication is always the key for everything. It is not about "aku takleh do dengan dia, memang tak ngam" semata. It is not about the mindset "dia jodoh aku, seharusnya dia memang naturally boleh faham aku". Bodoh ke jodoh ke, mesti ada usaha untuk saling berkomunikasi dan bertolak ansur. Sebab kalau kau rasa partner kau menyusahkan dan merimaskan, lebih baik jangan ada niat nak berkahwin pun. 3. In marriage, you are not supposed to bear it all alone. Share and talk about it if it is too heavy. Remember your par...
Tarikh tak ingat weh. Tahun 2021 kot? It is worth it? To get out from your shells which have been protecting you from all the cruel reasons come out with many efforts that is not even effortless to expose yourself in shame and you find out later how stupid it was just to chase this thing called love? just to make him yours? is it worth it? getting your mind drained making your heart upset if it is not working if it changes you to be someone else if you want love you will have to go through the pain if you want love you will have to learn how to change if you want trust you will have to give some away if you want love... if you want love?
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