About Me

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This blog is still under construction. More updates will be coming in the future. 

gambar saya tada. cuba cari dalam hati awak mana tahu tetiba ada

     Assalamualaikum and hello, I'm Najla. A 19-year-old girl. I'm a cat lover and I do enjoy writing. Currently studying. I mean, currently studying someone's heart but then if doing that won't provide me degree scrolls then what's the stupidest thing than that :)))  aha

If you have any urgent questions, do directly message me through Instagram but please do not follow me coz it will probably stay at 0 posts forever with one story per month :D



  1. Assalamualaikum najla...jela why u are so cute!!😆😆ooo Macam ni e jela dlm ni.hehehe...gurau ii.asna doakan supaya jela terus menulis blog because I'm you'r readers right now.😘n I will read every single your post😎😂😂(aduh jahatnya Aku haha..)semoga success in your life insyaAllah ~~love u jela

    1. Asnaaaa 😘 Thank you! just don't be a stalker pls 😂


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لسّلا م عليکم ورحمةالله وبرکة | Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Drop your comments here, anything, In shaa Allah.

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